What are Handlers?

We use handlers to determine when a script should run.

To give a few practical examples:

  • run a script which prompts the user to add an email address to a contact when they try to save a contact with no email address;

  • run a script which launches a credit card dialog when a user selects ‘credit card’ from ‘payment methods’ on a receipt;

  • run a script which imports new orders from a website when a user presses a button that says ‘import’;

‘On Load’ Handler

In the ‘Hello World!’ example we came accross the on Load handler. This runs when the relevant script is first ‘activated’ and, once activated, runs any time that a user logs into MoneyWorks.

This script is useful for loading toolbar buttons and menu command buttons, which can be used for running other scripts.

You can install menu commands using the InstallMenuCommand (menuItemText, handlerNameString) function (usually in an on Load handler. This is installs a menu commmand, which can then be used to call another handler. For example:

on Load
  InstallMenuCommand("Greet", "greet_handler")

on greet_handler // use the name of the handler to call it

Toolbar Icon

You can add a clcikable toolbar icon to a view or form (e.g. a transaction list / view, a name entry form, a transaction entry form) and use this to trigger a script.

constant meta = "Handlers - mwscript.com"

// =======================================================================================
// This fires on manual activation of the script
// and (if activated) whenever a MoneyWorks user logs on    
// =======================================================================================

on Load  
  Alert("Hello World! Again")

// =======================================================================================
// This fires on opening of any transaction list / view
// (e.g. Sales Invoices, Sales Orders, Receipts etc.)
// =======================================================================================

on Before:F_TRANSLIST(windowRef)  

// =======================================================================================
// This only fires when the Sales Order list / view opens:
// Note the addition of the ':SO' qualifier
// =======================================================================================

on Before:F_TRANSLIST:SO(windowRef) 
// use the 'windowRef' to get the window's name...
  let window_id = GetWindowID (windowRef)
// ... and show the window's ID ('F_TRANSLIST', in this case)

// =======================================================================================
// This fires whenever you attempt to leave any field 
// on any form
// =======================================================================================

on ValidateField(windowRef, fieldNameString, fieldValueString)  
  Alert(fieldNameString + ": " + fieldNameString)
  return 1

// =======================================================================================
// This only fires when you attempt to leave
// the 'e_user1' field on a Sales Order form
// =======================================================================================

on ValidateField:f_trans:e_user1:SO(windowRef, fieldNameString, fieldValueString)  
  syslog("User 1 value: " + fieldValueString)
// The following requires the user to enter the word 'spoon' 
// in the User 1 field and returns 0 if the don't
// IMPORTANT: BE NICE and alert an explanation for the 0 return
  if fieldValueString != "spoon"  
    Alert("No, you must type 'spoon' here")
    return 0    
    return 1

// =======================================================================================
// This fires on opening of any transaction list / view
// and installs a toolbar icon called "DEAL"
// =======================================================================================

on Before:F_TRANSLIST(windowRef)
  InstallToolbarIcon(windowRef, "DEAL")

// =======================================================================================
// This only fires when the Sales Order list / view opens:
// Note the addition of the ':SO' qualifier
// It also installs a toolbar icon caled "SELL"
// =======================================================================================

on Before:F_TRANSLIST:SO(windowRef)
  InstallToolbarIcon(windowRef, "SELL")

// =======================================================================================
// Similarly, this installs a toolbar icon caled "SELL"
// on the Purchase Order list / view
// =======================================================================================

on Before:F_TRANSLIST:PO(windowRef)
  InstallToolbarIcon(windowRef, "BUY")

// =======================================================================================
// This fires when a user clicks the toolbar icon
// we called "SELL"
// =======================================================================================

  Alert("Sell! Sell! Sell!")

// =======================================================================================
// This 'on Load' script installs a menu command
// Which you will find under the 'Command' menu
// =======================================================================================

on Load
  InstallMenuCommand("GO", "GO")  

// =======================================================================================
// This fires when a user clicks the menu command
// we called "GO"
// =======================================================================================

  Alert("Go! Go! Go!")